Changing Past Leads to Inspiration

changing past ariel lee image

Your past, good or bad, can lead you down different roads depending on how you let it lead you. For me, I spent my entire younger years getting teased or bullied for most everything about myself, as well as stuff pertaining to my life.

I mostly was teased for my anxiety, epilepsy, the way I looked and how I did not come from a rich family. Once I got to college, a huge changed happened. I finally left the house I called home for years and ventured out to a different adventure.

New Path

While on my new path of life, I realized that I had control of how I viewed life. I had the strength to endure so much and still came out shining in the end. I had the capability to decide who I let hurt me in life or what I did or did not listen to in life.

I finally felt I had a life that I could choose how I wanted it lived. I finally went on one of my first trips to a different place. I went on a journey with my mom and by the time the trip was over I was not ready to go home.

Place to be Myself

I was in a place where no one knew me, I did not know them and I felt I could be myself. I did not have to focus on the fact I had a medical condition called epilepsy or a psychological condition called anxiety. Traveling was my new way of life because of all of this. Traveling has allowed me to grow up from my past and explore, while finding myself.

Finding Yourself

People often ask what do you mean travel while finding yourself. Traveling has opened my eyes to things I did not know about myself. For example, I never knew I could overcome my anxiety and go out of the country or swim with the dolphins.

I did not know that even though I had a seizure without anyone around that knew about my condition, that I could continue on with my travels and exploring. I recently decided that I want to be the voice for those that have medical and psychological conditions.

Aim to Inspire

My blog Different Frame of Mind aims to inspire and people with medical and psychological condition to not let those stop them. I have many friends and family, I am guilty too of letting my conditions stop me from doing things I aspire to do in life. A few years ago, I decided I was not going to do that anymore.

Now I write about how I have worked to overcome, deal with and move past my conditions. The road to doing so is not easy but I am eager to inspire, educate and help anyone who was or is in the position I was in. Life is too short to let things hold you back.

changing past ariel lee

This is a guest post, brought to you by Ariel Lee.

Her blog focuses on travels with little funds, medical and psychological disorders.

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John Todorovic

John Todorovic

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Stephanie Vazquez

    Great post Ariel!!! It’s so true, you have to travel while finding yourself!! Thank you for this!

    1. Thank you! It definitely is true, I live by it each time I travel. Been my motto since the beginning. You are welcome! Thank you for your support.

  2. mirela

    A very impressive post! It„s very important to accept our past and to look only in the future. It„s important to do things that make us very happy.

  3. yaswtanu

    Very inspiring story.. loved reading it and Kudos to your spirit and courage. Keep traveling and blogging 🙂

  4. I tell myself to live each day as if it was your last. Your story was inspiring!

  5. Mel

    Thank you for sharing!! I’m think we all can learn from you.

  6. Karin

    Or latest travel adventure has us in Key West, where we just survived Hurricane Irma. That’s definitely been a life changing experience, though I’m not sure how it will shake out as time passes and the shock wears off.

  7. Kristi McAllister

    I could so relate to this post because I have lupus and so many times, I’ve let it keep me from doing the things I love. While it’s well managed, there are just days I don’t feel like doing anything, so on those days, I listen to my body. It took me a long time to realize I didn’t have to be a “sick” person just because I have an ailment. Good for you for finding a way to deal! Traveling looks good on you and obviously makes you happy 🙂

  8. Fantabulous40s

    You’re very courageous traveling alone even with epilepsy. I don’t know that I would have that kind of courage. But good for you for trying it and using it to find out how much you can really do all on your own.

  9. Preeti

    You deserve an honour for your courage. Really inspiring and a great read.

  10. Angela Hoyos

    I admire your courage and tenacity. Our life struggles do not define us, it’s how we rise above that defines us. I have anxiety and dyslexia and these conditions have only inspired me to push past my hindrances. Great post.

  11. Amazing and inspiring story. I love travelling and even more staying in different countries for a longer while.

  12. Cassie

    I really enjoyed this post! You are very inspiring and a great writer. Keep up the good work 🙂

  13. Herlina Kwee

    Hi Ariel. I have seen this picture before. Great to know the story behind it. You are brave and courageous. I agree with traveling as a way of growing and finding ourselves. I have found the same thing while I was on hiking trips. I intend to make traveling become a part of my life in the near future. Thanks for the inspiration.

  14. Applause for Ariel! Yes, Yes Yes! Stepping out of our perceived boxes and into the new an unknown is scary, but wow, it can bring so much growth! What a great post about being brave enough to face our fears and go forth anyway! Thanks for sharing!

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